My First Encounter

I am blessed enough to begin my morning the same way I have for the past five years.  The only difference are the little faces that I was encountered with during these years.  The first year, I was able to wake up with my handsome husband lying next to me.  That was then changed to Drama’s sweet smiling face, then Shy’s, and lastly I get to wake up to Jr. every morning.

Every day I am awoken by the softest voice I will hear all day.  From the end of the hall I can hear Jr. calling out “mommy.”  The cutest thing about it is how softly he says it.  At no other part of the day will I ever hear him call for me in that soft of a voice than at that time of the morning.  I throw back my covers, hit the button on my phone to make sure that it reads some time between five and five thirty.  If the clock reads any time before then, I know we have a problem.As I get my barrings, I make my way down the hall checking in on the girls to make sure they haven’t awoken, then next the boy.  When I enter Jr.’s room I am greeted by the most warmest of smiles that anyone has ever given me.  He is always so excited to see that I have gotten up to come and save the day.    I immediately scoop him up in my arms and kiss him on the neck and whisper good morning to him.  I give him a big squeeze as we make our way back to my room so I can try and get a few more minutes of sleep before the alarm on my phone goes off.


As we both lay back down I can feel Jr. getting comfortable next to me and then he gives that last deep breath before he goes back into his deep sleep.  This is the way all my mornings have gone since the moment I decided to have children.  I wouldn’t trade this time that I get to spend with my kids for anything in the world.

My first Encounter of the day was with my precious son.  He has managed to change my life in more ways that I never thought possible.  Waking up this way every day has always seemed to help me start my day off on a happy note.

Who was your first encounter with today?

Written for today’s Daily Prompt

Categories: Challenges, Family, Post A Day Writing Challenge

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4 replies

  1. I remember the luscious moments of watching a child take three deep breaths and fall into the deepest Dreamland. That morning smile is pretty awesome too. Thank you for reading my posts.


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